Inside Tim Russert's Office - The Buffalo History Museum

The Buffalo History Museum recently opened a new exhibit with most of the contents of Tim Russert's office.  Tim Russert was of course a buffalo native who hit the big time as host of Meet The Press on NBC.   After his passing, all of his belongings and office furnishings were saved, in order  to recreate his office, so that others could see how he worked everyday. The exhibit is now located in the Buffalo History Museum.

The display is not huge and only takes a few minutes to see but it is very interesting and is very well presented.  There is a book with detailed information on many of the personal items and what they meant to Tim.  There are also many of his personal photos and even the CVS pharmacy bag that was on his desk when the photo of his office that they used for the recreation was taken.  If you do visit the exhibit, don't forget to see the podium desk that was in his office but would not fit in the exhibit room. It is located in the auditorium at the Museum.

The office exhibit  is considered permanent and will be on display for at least 5 years, I was told by one of the Museum employees.  The exhibit is courtesy of  NEWSEUM in Washington DC, where it has been on display for several years.

The video that plays at the exhibit can be seen here:

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